11 Tiny Home Toilet Ideas That Will Leave You Speechless! #4 is a Game-Changer!

by Charlie
11 Tiny Home Toilet Ideas

Tiny living is all about making the most of limited space and using clever design solutions to maximize functionality. When it comes to designing your tiny home’s bathroom, every square inch matters.

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 11 tiny home toilet ideas that’ll not only leave you speechless but also completely change the game! But first, make sure to check out these tiny home storage ideas to ensure your tiny home is organized and clutter-free.

1. Wall-Mounted Toilets

Space-saving benefits

Reduced footprint

Wall-mounted toilets are an excellent option for tiny homes as they take up less floor space compared to traditional floor-mounted models. By suspending the toilet from the wall, you can free up valuable square footage and make your bathroom feel larger.

Easier cleaning

Another advantage of wall-mounted toilets is their ease of cleaning. With no base touching the floor, it’s simpler to mop or sweep underneath without maneuvering around the toilet base.

Stylish designs

Modern aesthetics

Wall-mounted toilets offer a sleek, modern appearance that’ll elevate your tiny home’s bathroom aesthetic. With clean lines and minimalistic design, they are perfect for tiny home owners looking to create a contemporary and stylish space.

Variety of shapes and sizes

With a range of shapes and sizes available, you can find the perfect wall-mounted toilet to suit your personal taste and tiny home bathroom dimensions. From round to rectangular designs, the options are endless!

2. Composting Toilets

Eco-friendly advantages


Composting toilets are an environmentally friendly choice for your tiny home, as they don’t require any water for flushing. This feature can help you conserve water resources and reduce your environmental footprint.

Waste management

These toilets transform waste into compost, which can be used to fertilize plants and gardens. By opting for a composting toilet, you’re not only saving space but also contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Types of composting toilets


Self-contained composting toilets are compact units that house both the toilet and the composting system within a single enclosure. This design makes them an excellent option for tiny homes with limited space.


Centralized composting toilets separate the toilet from the composting system, typically located outside the home. While they require more space, they offer the advantage of larger composting capacity and may be a better option for families or those with a larger outdoor area.

Composting Toilet Brands Comparison

BrandModelPrice RangeFeatures
Nature’s HeadSelf-Contained$800-$1,000Full-size elongated seat, odor-free operation
SeparettVilla 9210$1,000-$1,200Energy-efficient fan, child seat included
Sun-MarExcel NE$1,500-$2,000Non-electric, high capacity, odor-free vent system
BioLetComposting Toilet 55$1,200-$1,400Automatic mixing, no water required, easy installation

3. All-in-One Toilet and Sink Systems

Space-saving combination

Multi-functional design

All-in-one toilet and sink systems combine the functions of a toilet and sink into a single, compact unit. This space-saving design is perfect for tiny homes where every inch counts.

Compact form factor

These systems are designed to fit in small spaces, making them ideal for tiny home bathrooms. Their compact size ensures that you’ll still have room for other bathroom essentials, like a shower or bathtub.

Water conservation

Reusing graywater

An innovative feature of all-in-one toilet and sink systems is their ability to reuse graywater. After washing your hands in the integrated sink, the water is used to flush the toilet, helping you conserve water resources.

Reducing water usage

By reusing graywater, you’ll reduce your overall water consumption, contributing to a more eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle. This feature is particularly useful for those living in water-scarce regions or with limited access to water resources.

4: The Incinerating Toilet: A Game-Changer

Unique features

Waste incineration process

Incinerating toilets use an electric or gas-powered heating element to burn waste into a small amount of ash, which can then be disposed of safely. This innovative approach eliminates the need for plumbing and water connections, making it a game-changing solution for tiny home bathrooms.

No need for plumbing

As incinerating toilets don’t require any plumbing, they can be installed almost anywhere within your tiny home. This feature allows for greater flexibility in bathroom layout and design, while also making them ideal for off-grid living.

Pros and cons

Advantages of incinerating toilets

Incinerating toilets offer numerous benefits, including water conservation, flexible installation options, and a reduced need for sewage disposal. They’re also ideal for those who want to minimize their environmental impact or live off-grid.

Potential drawbacks

Despite their advantages, incinerating toilets do come with a few drawbacks. They may require a power source for the incineration process, and some models can be quite noisy during operation. Additionally, the initial cost may be higher than other toilet options, but the long-term savings in water and sewage bills could outweigh the upfront expense.

5. Pop-up Toilets

Innovative design

Hidden when not in use

Pop-up toilets are designed to be concealed within a cabinet or wall when not in use, making them an excellent space-saving solution for tiny home bathrooms. Their discreet appearance helps maintain a clean, uncluttered aesthetic in your bathroom.

Space-saving solution

When you need to use the toilet, simply pull it out from its hiding place, and it’s ready for use. This innovative design allows you to make the most of your limited bathroom space while maintaining functionality.

Installation considerations

Required space

While pop-up toilets are excellent for saving space, you’ll still need to ensure there’s enough room in your bathroom for the unit to be concealed when not in use. Consider your bathroom’s dimensions and layout before committing to this option.

Plumbing requirements

Pop-up toilets typically require plumbing connections for water and sewage, so it’s essential to factor in these requirements when designing your tiny home bathroom.

Space Requirements for Different Types of Tiny Home Toilets

Toilet TypeSpace Requirements
Traditional Flush ToiletStandard size toilet, plumbing space
Wall-Mounted ToiletNo floor space required, plumbing space
Corner ToiletFits in corners, standard size
Compact ToiletSmaller footprint, may have reduced seating area
Foldable ToiletMinimal space when not in use

6. Corner Toilets

Space optimization

Utilizing awkward corners

Corner toilets are designed to fit snugly into the corners of your bathroom, making the most of those often underutilized spaces. This innovative design allows you to maximize the available floor space in your tiny home bathroom.

Compact designs

These toilets are available in a range of compact sizes, ensuring they’ll fit seamlessly into your tiny home bathroom without taking up valuable space needed for other essentials like a shower or sink.

Stylish options

Modern corner toilets

Corner toilets come in various modern designs, offering a sleek and stylish appearance to suit any tiny home bathroom aesthetic.

Traditional designs

For those looking for a more classic appearance, traditional corner toilet models are also available. These designs can help you achieve a timeless look while still maximizing your bathroom space.

7. Vacuum Toilets

Technology inspired by aviation

Efficient waste management

Vacuum toilets use air pressure to transport waste from the toilet bowl to a storage tank or sewage system, requiring significantly less water than traditional flush toilets. This efficient waste management technology, inspired by aviation, can be an excellent option for tiny home owners looking to conserve water resources.

Water-saving benefits

With their reduced water usage, vacuum toilets can help you save on utility bills and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, perfect for eco-conscious tiny home dwellers.

Suitability for tiny homes

Space requirements

Vacuum toilets typically have a compact design, making them suitable for tiny home bathrooms with limited space. However, it’s important to consider the additional space needed for the vacuum system and storage tank when planning your bathroom layout.

Off-grid living

As vacuum toilets require minimal water and can be used with a separate storage tank, they’re an ideal choice for off-grid living or locations with limited access to water and sewage systems.

Here is a Helpful Video on The Best Toilets for a Tiny Home:

8. Portable Toilets

Flexibility and convenience

Easy relocation

Portable toilets provide the ultimate flexibility, allowing you to move them around your tiny home as needed. This feature is especially useful if you’re living a mobile lifestyle or plan on traveling with your tiny home.

Temporary solution

If you’re still in the process of building your tiny home or transitioning to a new living arrangement, portable toilets can serve as a temporary solution until a more permanent toilet system is installed.

Types of portable toilets

Chemical toilets

Chemical toilets use chemical disinfectants to break down waste and control odors, making them a popular choice for camping and other outdoor activities. They’re also suitable for tiny homes, providing a convenient and low-maintenance toilet option.

Portable composting toilets

Portable composting toilets offer a compact and eco-friendly solution for tiny home owners. They function similarly to full-sized composting toilets, transforming waste into compost, but come in a smaller, portable design.

Water Usage Comparison of Different Toilet Types

Toilet TypeWater Usage Per Flush (gallons)
Traditional Flush Toilet1.6 – 3.5
Low-Flow Flush Toilet1.28 – 1.6
Vacuum Toilet0.5 – 1.0
Composting Toilet0 (waterless)
Dry Flush Toilet0 (waterless)
Portable Toilet (chemical)0 (waterless)

9. Smart Toilets

High-tech features

Advanced functions

Smart toilets are packed with high-tech features that can enhance your tiny home bathroom experience. Some of these advanced functions include heated seats, adjustable water temperature, and built-in bidets, providing extra comfort and convenience.

Customization options

Many smart toilets allow you to customize settings according to your preferences, such as water pressure and seat temperature. This personalization can help make your tiny home bathroom feel more luxurious and tailored to your needs.

Space-saving designs

Compact smart toilets

Smart toilets are available in a range of compact designs, making them suitable for tiny home bathrooms. These models offer advanced features without compromising on space, ensuring your bathroom remains functional and stylish.

Wall-mounted smart toilets

For an even sleeker look, consider a wall-mounted smart toilet. These models save floor space and provide a modern, minimalistic appearance perfect for tiny home bathrooms.

10. Convertible Toilet-Shower Combinations

Multi-functional solution

Saving space in a tiny home

A convertible toilet-shower combination is an innovative way to save space in your tiny home bathroom. By combining the functions of a toilet and a shower into a single unit, you can make the most of your limited bathroom space.

Convenient and practical

These convertible units are both practical and convenient, making it easy to switch between using the toilet and showering.

Design considerations


It’s essential to ensure your convertible toilet-shower combination is properly waterproofed to avoid any water damage or leakage issues.


Effective drainage is crucial for a convertible toilet-shower combination. Ensure your bathroom floor is appropriately sloped and equipped with a suitable drain system to prevent standing water and potential slip hazards.

11. Foldable Toilets

Innovative space-saving design

Collapsible functionality

Foldable toilets feature a collapsible design, allowing them to be folded away when not in use. This innovative space-saving solution is perfect for tiny home owners looking to make the most of their limited bathroom space.

Minimalist appearance

When folded away, these toilets have a sleek, minimalist appearance, contributing to a clean and clutter-free bathroom aesthetic.

Easy installation

No plumbing required

Foldable toilets typically don’t require any plumbing connections, making them easy to install and a suitable option for off-grid living or mobile tiny homes.

Versatile placement options

With their simple installation and minimal space requirements, foldable toilets can be placed in various locations throughout your tiny home, providing you with the flexibility to create a functional and comfortable bathroom layout.

Pros and Cons of Different Tiny Home Toilet Types

Toilet TypeProsCons
Composting ToiletEco-friendly, low water usage, low maintenanceRequires regular emptying, can produce odors
Incinerating ToiletEliminates waste completely, no plumbing requiredRequires electricity, high initial cost
Dry Flush ToiletLightweight, low maintenance, no water usageRequires refills of cartridges, waste disposal
Traditional Flush ToiletFamiliar design, easy to use, low initial costRequires plumbing, high water usage, less eco-friendly
Vacuum ToiletLow water usage, efficient waste disposal, off-grid suitableRequires additional space for vacuum system and storage tank
Portable ToiletFlexibility, easy relocation, temporary solutionLimited capacity, less eco-friendly
Smart ToiletHigh-tech features, customization options, compact designsRequires electricity, high initial cost
Convertible Toilet-Shower CombinationSpace-saving, multi-functionalRequires careful waterproofing and drainage planning
Foldable ToiletSpace-saving, minimal appearance, easy installationLess comfortable, limited capacity

Final Thoughts

Choosing the perfect toilet for your tiny home can be a daunting task, but with these 11 incredible tiny home toilet ideas, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your needs and lifestyle. From composting toilets for eco-conscious dwellers to sleek and modern smart toilets, there’s a solution for everyone.

Remember that every tiny home is unique, so consider your specific requirements and preferences when selecting a toilet. By focusing on factors such as water conservation, space-saving design, and innovative features, you can create a bathroom that’s both functional and stylish.

As you plan your tiny home bathroom, don’t forget to explore other design aspects such as storage solutions and kitchen ideas to ensure you make the most of every square inch of your small space. And if you’re looking for more tiny home inspiration, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide to tiny home design.

With a bit of creativity and careful planning, you can create a tiny home bathroom that’s not only functional but also leaves your guests speechless. Happy designing!

FAQ About Tiny Home Toilet Ideas

How can I choose the right toilet for my tiny home?

Consider factors such as water usage, space requirements, ease of installation, and maintenance when selecting a toilet for your tiny home.

Are composting toilets odor-free?

When properly maintained, composting toilets can be virtually odor-free due to the built-in ventilation system.

What are the main advantages of a vacuum toilet?

Vacuum toilets use minimal water, are efficient in waste disposal, and can be suitable for off-grid living.

Do portable toilets require a lot of maintenance?

Portable toilets require regular cleaning and emptying, but their maintenance is generally straightforward.

Can I install a traditional flush toilet in my tiny home?

Yes, you can install a traditional flush toilet in your tiny home, but keep in mind that it requires plumbing, takes up more space, and uses more water compared to other toilet options.

How do I manage waste disposal for a dry flush toilet?

Dry flush toilets use cartridges to contain waste, which needs to be replaced and disposed of properly once full.

What are the benefits of a foldable toilet?

Foldable toilets are space-saving, have a minimal appearance, and are easy to install. However, they might be less comfortable and have limited capacity compared to other toilet options.

Are smart toilets worth the investment for a tiny home?

Smart toilets offer various high-tech features and customization options that can enhance your bathroom experience. However, they require electricity and may have a higher initial cost.

How do I maintain a composting toilet in a tiny home?

Composting toilets require regular emptying of solid waste, stirring of the composting material, and cleaning of the liquids container.

Can I have a toilet-shower combination in my tiny home?

Yes, a convertible toilet-shower combination can save space and serve multiple functions, but it requires careful waterproofing and drainage planning.

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