Farmhouse vs. Cottagecore: Which Style Steals Your Heart?

by Charlie
Cottagecore aesthetic vs Farmhouse

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Welcome to the world of home styles, where every choice you make reflects your personality and lifestyle. Today, we’re diving deep into a comparison that’s been on the minds of many: Farmhouse vs Cottagecore. These two styles have been stealing hearts left and right, but which one is the perfect match for you? Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together, and by the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of which style resonates with your heart.

Understanding the Basics

What is Farmhouse Style?

Farmhouse style is a design aesthetic that’s all about comfort, simplicity, and a connection to the past. It’s a style that’s been around for centuries, but it’s seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years.

History and Origin of Farmhouse Style

The farmhouse style originated in Europe, primarily in France, England, and Scandinavia, where functionality and practicality were paramount. It was a style born out of necessity, with homes designed to withstand the rigors of rural life. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s all about rough and ready aesthetics.

In our home, we’ve embraced the farmhouse style, infusing it with a touch of modernity. We’ve found that the key to mastering this style is balancing the old with the new. For instance, we’ve paired a rustic wooden dining table, reminiscent of those found in traditional farmhouses, with sleek, modern chairs. This blend of old and new creates a unique aesthetic that’s both comfortable and stylish.

Key Features of Farmhouse Style

The farmhouse style is characterized by several key features. These include:

  • Natural materials: Think wood, stone, and metal. These materials are not only durable but also add a sense of warmth and authenticity to your home.
  • Neutral colors: Farmhouse style typically involves a palette of neutral colors, with whites, beiges, and grays taking center stage.
  • Comfortable furniture: The furniture in a farmhouse-style home is all about comfort. Think plush sofas, oversized armchairs, and beds you can sink into.
  • Open layouts: Farmhouse homes often feature open floor plans, creating a sense of spaciousness and flow between rooms.

Popular Farmhouse Design Elements

When it comes to farmhouse design elements, there are a few that stand out. These include:

  • Shiplap walls: These add a touch of rustic charm to any room. Plus, they’re incredibly durable, making them a great choice for high-traffic areas.
  • Barn doors: These not only save space but also add a unique design element to your home.
  • Apron-front sinks: Also known as farmhouse sinks, these are both functional and stylish.
  • Exposed beams: These add a sense of history and character to your home.

What is Cottagecore Aesthetic?

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the Cottagecore aesthetic. This style is all about embracing a simpler, more sustainable way of life. It’s about getting back to basics and finding joy in the little things.

The Rise of Cottagecore Trend

The Cottagecore trend has been on the rise in recent years, fueled by a desire for a slower, more mindful way of life. It’s a reaction to the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, offering a breath of fresh air and a return to simpler times.

For example, we’ve found that embracing the Cottagecore aesthetic can be incredibly rewarding. We’ve started growing our own vegetables and herbs, which not only adds a touch of greenery to our home but also allows us to enjoy fresh, organic produce. It’s a small step, but it’s one that’s brought us a lot of joy.

Defining Characteristics of Cottagecore

Cottagecore is characterized by a few key features. These include:

  • Natural materials: Like the farmhouse style, Cottagecore also embraces the use of natural materials. However, the focus here is more on handmade and vintage items.
  • Soft colors: Cottagecore typically involves a palette of soft, muted colors. Think pastels, creams, and earth tones.
  • Cozy spaces: The Cottagecore aesthetic is all about creating cozy, inviting spaces. This can be achieved through the use of plush furniture, soft lighting, and plenty of blankets and cushions.
  • Connection to nature: Cottagecore places a strong emphasis on a connection to nature. This can be seen in the use of plants and flowers in home decor, as well as activities like gardening and foraging.

Essential Elements of Cottagecore Design

When it comes to Cottagecore design elements, there are a few that stand out. These include:

  • Floral patterns: These can be used in everything from wallpaper to bedding to curtains. They add a touch of femininity and charm to any space.
  • Vintage furniture: This adds a sense of history and character to your home. Plus, it’s a great way to embrace sustainability, as you’re giving new life to old items.
  • Handmade items: These can be anything from pottery to quilts to artwork. They add a personal touch to your home and celebrate the beauty of craftsmanship.
  • Indoor plants: These not only improve air quality but also add a touch of nature to your home.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into the comparison between Farmhouse and Cottagecore, exploring their similarities and differences in terms of architecture, interior décor, and lifestyle. 

Farmhouse vs Cottagecore: A Detailed Comparison

Now that we’ve covered the basics of both Farmhouse and Cottagecore styles, let’s dive deeper into a detailed comparison. We’ll explore their unique approaches to architecture, interior décor, and lifestyle, helping you understand which style might be the perfect fit for your home.

Architecture and Design

Farmhouse Style: A Closer Look

Farmhouse architecture is all about practicality and simplicity. The design is typically straightforward, with clean lines and a focus on functionality. The homes are often rectangular or L-shaped, with gabled roofs and large, wrap-around porches.

One of the key features of farmhouse architecture is the use of natural materials. You’ll often see exteriors clad in wood or stone, and roofs made of metal or shingles. These materials not only add a rustic charm but also stand up well to the elements, making them a practical choice for rural settings.

Inside, farmhouse homes often feature open floor plans, with a seamless flow between the kitchen, dining area, and living room. This open design creates a welcoming, communal atmosphere, perfect for family gatherings and casual entertaining.

Cottagecore Aesthetic: An In-depth View

Cottagecore, on the other hand, is all about coziness and charm. The architecture often features small, quaint cottages, with irregular shapes and whimsical details. You might see homes with curved doors, thatched roofs, and multi-paned windows, all of which add to the storybook appeal.

Like farmhouse style, Cottagecore also embraces the use of natural materials. However, the focus here is more on creating a rustic, handmade look. You might see exteriors clad in rough-hewn wood or stone, with roofs made of thatch or shingles.

For instance, we’ve incorporated elements of the Cottagecore aesthetic, adding a small, curved door to our garden shed and opting for multi-paned windows in our sunroom. These whimsical details have added a touch of charm and character to our home, making it feel like a cozy retreat.

Inside, Cottagecore homes often feature cozy, intimate spaces, with a focus on comfort and warmth. You might see rooms with low ceilings, exposed beams, and fireplaces, all of which create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

Interior Décor

Farmhouse Décor: What Makes it Unique?

When it comes to interior décor, farmhouse style is all about creating a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. The color palette is typically neutral, with lots of whites, beiges, and grays. This creates a calm, serene backdrop, allowing the natural beauty of the materials to shine.

One of the key elements of farmhouse décor is the use of natural materials. You might see furniture made of reclaimed wood, countertops made of soapstone or butcher block, and floors made of hardwood or stone. These materials not only add a rustic charm but also stand up well to daily wear and tear.

Another key element of farmhouse décor is the use of vintage or antique items. These can be anything from an old barn door repurposed as a headboard, to a vintage ladder used as a bookshelf. These items add a sense of history and character to your home, making it feel unique and personal.

Cottagecore Décor: Why is it So Popular?

Cottagecore décor, on the other hand, is all about embracing a simpler, more sustainable way of life. The color palette is typically soft and muted, with lots of pastels, creams, and earth tones. This creates a warm, inviting backdrop, perfect for creating a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.

One of the key elements of Cottagecore décor is the use of vintage or handmade items. You might see furniture made of distressed wood, curtains made of floral fabric, and décor items made of wicker or rattan. These items not only add a rustic charm but also celebrate the beauty of craftsmanship.

For example, we’ve incorporated elements of the Cottagecore décor, adding vintage furniture and handmade items throughout. We found a beautiful, distressed wood dresser at a local antique shop, which adds a touch of history and charm to our bedroom. We also added handmade pottery to our kitchen, which not only looks beautiful but also supports local artisans.

Another key element of Cottagecore décor is the use of plants and flowers. These can be used in everything from home décor to cooking, adding a touch of nature to your home. 

Lifestyle and Philosophy

The Farmhouse Lifestyle: What’s it All About?

The Farmhouse lifestyle is deeply rooted in practicality and functionality. It’s about embracing a simpler way of life, one that values authenticity and comfort over ostentation and extravagance. This lifestyle is often associated with rural living, but it’s not limited to those who live in the countryside. Even in urban settings, the Farmhouse lifestyle can be embraced by creating a home that’s warm, welcoming, and grounded in simplicity.

The philosophy behind the Farmhouse lifestyle is one of simplicity and authenticity. It’s about creating a home that’s not just beautiful, but also functional and comfortable. It’s about embracing the beauty of natural materials, the charm of vintage items, and the comfort of well-loved furniture. It’s about creating a space that feels lived in, a place where you can kick off your shoes, relax, and feel truly at home.

Embracing the Cottagecore Philosophy: Why and How?

On the other hand, the Cottagecore lifestyle is all about embracing a slower, more mindful way of life. It’s about finding joy in the simple things, like tending to a garden, baking homemade bread, or curling up with a good book. It’s a lifestyle that values sustainability, creativity and a deep connection to nature.

The philosophy behind the Cottagecore lifestyle is one of romanticism and nostalgia. It’s about longing for a simpler time, a time when life moved at a slower pace and people were more connected to the natural world. It’s about embracing the charm of rustic, handmade items, the beauty of wildflowers and homegrown vegetables, and the comfort of a cozy, cluttered home.

Embracing the Cottagecore philosophy doesn’t necessarily mean you have to move to the countryside and start living off the land. It can be as simple as incorporating more natural elements into your home décor, taking up a new craft or hobby, or simply slowing down and taking the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

In the next section, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both Farmhouse and Cottagecore styles, helping you understand the benefits and potential drawbacks of each. Stay tuned!

Pros and Cons: Farmhouse vs Cottagecore

Every design style has its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks, and Farmhouse and Cottagecore are no different. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of each style to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of Farmhouse Style

The Benefits

  • Timeless Appeal: Farmhouse style has a classic, timeless appeal that never goes out of style. It’s a design aesthetic that has stood the test of time, making it a safe choice for your home.
  • Versatility: Farmhouse style is incredibly versatile. It can be easily adapted to suit your personal taste, whether you prefer a more traditional, rustic look or a more modern, sleek design.
  • Functionality: Farmhouse style is all about functionality. The design elements are practical and durable, making it a great choice for families or anyone who values practicality.
  • Comfort: Farmhouse style is all about creating a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere. It’s a style that invites you to relax and make yourself at home.

Real-life Examples

The farmhouse style has been embraced by many homeowners and designers alike. For instance, Joanna Gaines, a popular interior designer and television personality, is known for her love of farmhouse style. She has used it to transform numerous homes on her television show, “Fixer Upper,” showcasing its versatility and timeless appeal.

Disadvantages of Farmhouse Style

The Drawbacks

  • Can Feel Dated: While farmhouse style has a timeless appeal, it can sometimes feel a bit dated, especially if overdone. It’s important to strike a balance and incorporate modern elements to keep it feeling fresh and current.
  • Not for Everyone: Farmhouse style has a very distinct look and feel, and it’s not for everyone. If you prefer a more modern, minimalist design, the farmhouse style may not be the right choice for you.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

One common challenge with farmhouse style is keeping it from feeling too rustic or old-fashioned. One way to overcome this is by incorporating modern elements, such as sleek lighting fixtures or contemporary furniture. This can help balance out the rustic elements and give your home a more updated look.

Pros of Cottagecore Aesthetic

List of Benefits

  • Charming and Cozy: Cottagecore aesthetic is all about creating a charming, cozy atmosphere. It’s a style that invites you to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
  • Sustainable: Cottagecore places a strong emphasis on sustainability. It encourages the use of vintage or second-hand items, as well as handmade items, which can help reduce your environmental impact.
  • Connection to Nature: Cottagecore celebrates a connection to nature, whether through the use of plants and flowers in home décor or activities like gardening and foraging.

Success Stories and Inspirations

Cottagecore has been embraced by many, particularly among younger generations. It has become a popular trend on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where users share their Cottagecore-inspired homes and lifestyles.

Cons of Cottagecore Aesthetic

List of Potential Downsides

  • Can Feel Overly Romanticized: While the Cottagecore aesthetic is charming and appealing, it can sometimes feel overly romanticized or unrealistic, particularly for those living in urban environments.
  • Not for Everyone: Just like the farmhouse style, Cottagecore has a very distinct look and feel, and it’s not for everyone. If you prefer a more modern, sleek design, Cottagecore may not be the right choice for you.

Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls

One common pitfall with Cottagecore is going overboard with the rustic, handmade look. To avoid this, try to strike a balance between rustic and modern elements. For instance, you might pair a vintage wooden table with modern, sleek chairs. This can help keep your décor from feeling too “country” or old-fashioned.

Making the Choice: Farmhouse or Cottagecore?

Choosing between Farmhouse and Cottagecore ultimately comes down to personal preference. Both styles have their own unique appeal and can create a beautiful, welcoming home.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Farmhouse and Cottagecore

When deciding between Farmhouse and Cottagecore, consider factors like your personal style, your lifestyle, and the type of atmosphere you want to create in your home. Do you prefer a classic, timeless look, or do you gravitate towards a more whimsical, romantic style? Do you value practicality and functionality, or do you prioritize charm and coziness? These are all important questions to ask yourself.

How to Incorporate Farmhouse Elements in a Cottagecore Home (and Vice Versa)

If you’re torn between Farmhouse and Cottagecore, remember that you don’t have to choose just one. You can incorporate elements of both styles into your home. For instance, you might choose a farmhouse-style architecture and layout, but incorporate Cottagecore elements in your décor, like floral patterns and vintage furniture.

Expert Tips and Advice for Choosing the Right Style for You

Ultimately, the best advice is to choose a style that feels right for you. Your home should be a reflection of your personality and lifestyle, a place where you feel comfortable and at ease. Whether you choose Farmhouse, Cottagecore, or a blend of both, the most important thing is that your home feels like you.


Choosing between Farmhouse and Cottagecore can be a tough decision, but hopefully, this guide has given you a clearer picture of what each style has to offer. Both styles have their own unique appeal and can create a beautiful, welcoming home. In the end, the choice comes down to personal preference and what feels right for you.

Here is a Useful Video That Illustrates the Differences Between Cottagecore, Farmhouse and French Styles

Charlie Victor

Charlie Victor

Charlie Victor is a go-to source for home decor, home improvement, DIY projects, and backyard makeovers. Based in Florida, he has been transforming homes and businesses across the state since 2005. When he isn’t working, you can find him surfing out on Miami waves!

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